PASUP's 'Becca Stallings is also the author of The Earthling's Handbook, an insightful blog which explores many different aspects of life through a lens of sustainability. Earthling's entries range from book reviews to healthy recipes to reviews of plastic-free products. 'Becca will further explore the realm of food-container reuse.
PASUP's Dianne Peterson will share what she's been doing to enable individuals and families to eschew plastics, and especially single-use plastics, in their daily lives. From wooden toys and games to food storage containers made of silicone and stainless steel, her home-based business Our Children Our Earth enables Pittsburghers and others to live life a little more sustainably. And Dianne's Dishware has provided bamboo-based tableware to dozens (or hundreds?) of events in and around the 'Burgh (that otherwise would've used disposables).
Ed Wrenn co-founded our regional chapter of Wild Ones, an organization that promotes native plants and more-sustainable land care, but he also thinks a great deal about plastics -- including those used in landscaping and food gardening -- and how they can be reduced.
• Mar 18: Seminar on the History of Deep Reform in the US and Its Lessons for Today's Social Movements -- 4:30-7 in 3702 Posvar Hall (230 S Bouquet St., at Pitt).
• Mar 21: The Black Appalachian Coalition and the Ohio River Valley Institute are partnering with Patricia DeMarco, PhD for a Petrochemical Lunch & Learn series, delving deep into the connection between environmental pollution and our health. This month's session focuses on air pollution. Register here.
• Mar 23: Rally and conference in East Palestine: Among the consequences of plastic production are events like last year's train derailment and chemical explosion, which released huge amounts of toxic substances -- and in the process burned several cars' worth of vinyl chloride, leaving homes and communities contaminated, and damaging residents' health both there and downwind (largely Beaver County, just north of Pittsburgh). Join community members, labor allies, and Food & Water Watch for a rally and conference. More info and registration here. And there will be a bus from Pittsburgh!
• Apr 3-7: Concerned about soil contamination? (Here's some information on lead in soils.) The Allegheny County Conservation District is holding a free Soil Lead Screening, with five different dropoff sites around town. You need to register here, and detailed instructions will be sent to you!
• Apr 4: Pittsburgh Green New Deal holds another community strategy session to help make sure that the new Climate Action Plan being developed by Allegheny County Council is inclusive and addresses environmental justice issues adequately. Here's the Zoom registration link.
• Apr 11 or 15: Again apropos of our plastics theme... the film Blue Vinyl, a terrific and very personal documentary about the toxic impacts at all stages of the PVC lifespan, will be screened in Ambridge and Sewickley (with a panel discussion).
• April 18: The Black Appalachian Coalition and the Ohio River Valley Institute are partnering with Patricia DeMarco, PhD for a Petrochemical Lunch & Learn series, delving deep into the connection between environmental pollution and our health. April's theme is Water. Register here.
• Apr 25: If you operate a local business, and would like to explore this month's salon topic further, check out this all-day event by Humane Action Pittsburgh: Serving Up Sustainability. More information and registration here.
• Apr 27 & 28: Penn Garvin, who framed our recent four-part series on Movement-Building, will be in Pittsburgh for a two-day workshop on Strategic Organizing and Nonviolent Direct Action. More details here!
• May 24-27: Heartwood Forest Council is coming to southeastern Ohio. You can hear organizer Matt Peters talk about the organization and the gathering on this interview/podcast-style video (he starts talking about Heartwood a little after 12 minutes in -- more local stuff before that).
• ReImagine Food Systems, which we've talked about at past salons, is raising funds for this year's operations (food gardens and hands-on education offered at no cost to residents in environmental justice communities, by volunteers). If you have something to spare, you can contribute via GoFundMe. And we're always looking for more volunteers, too! Email
• Concerned Health Professionals of NY recently released the 9th Edition of the Compendium of Scientific, Medical, and Media Findings Demonstrating Risks and Harms of Fracking and Associated Gas & Oil Infrastructure. Check it out!
• PA is considering legislation to (a) greatly increase the renewables portion of our electricity generation, and (b) enable community solar!! The Pennsylvania Solar Center has made it easy to speak out to support this action!
• We know that only a tiny fraction of plastic has ever been recycled. And yet, NPR has been airing sponsorship messages for the American Recycling Council, which is continuing to perpetrate the "recycling" hoax. Does that make your blood boil? The national group Beyond Plastics has a petition/sign-on letter to get them to stop -- please sign, for yourself or for an organization you represent!
• It's been more than a year now! You can support striking Post-Gazette workers here (and consider signing up for the alternative online publication, the Pittsburgh Union Progress -- and maybe even cancel your P-G subscription until they start treating workers fairly!). This strike has garnered national attention; one recent picket even made it into Teen Vogue.
• And speaking of solidarity, the Cop City controversy is still raging in Atlanta. More information and a support fund are here. There's also talk of a similar facility in the works for Pittsburgh.
• Another forest that needs protecting is Sherwood Forest, in Mason Co., WA -- at risk of clear-cutting by a company headquartered here in Pittsburgh. You can learn more (and donate to the legal fund if you can) here.
• PRC continues to hold online workshops about composting, rainwater harvesting, and waste reduction. And they have several Hard-to-Recycle events each year; 2024's are listed here.

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