Sep 9 - Oct 14: GASP/Osher class on air pollution

GASP to Teach OSHER Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) Classes
What role will you play to provide clean air for our children and grandchildren? Air pollution, one of the primary causes of climate change, is also a cause of asthma, lung diseases, and other health related issues (that particularly affect young people). This September and October, GASP and other experts will present classes that examine air pollution in Allegheny County and its effects on our health.

You will learn about the main air pollutants affecting human health, the sources of those pollutants, and what is being done locally to reduce pollution. You will also learn how to advocate for healthy air, including receiving information about regulatory agencies, public hearings, community monitoring opportunities, and more. You can help clean up the air and minimize health and environmental effects of air pollutants!

1-2:50 p.m. on Sept 9, 16, 30 and October 7, 14, at the University of Pittsburgh.  See page 8 of the Fall 2015 Catalog for more details.  Learn more about OLLI and their classes here.  The normal OSHER fees/membership costs and age requirements do not apply for these classes, so feel free to call 412-624-7072 and sign up today!

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