Mar 16: Green Drinks with Jim Ferlo

5-8 p.m. at the new EECO Center, corner of Larimer Ave and East Liberty Blvd.

Green Drinks is returning to the third Fridays of each month;  here are dates for the rest of 2012:
March 16 EECO Center 
April 20 Elements 
May 18
June 15 (TBA)
July 20 Elements 
August 17
September 21
October 19
November 16 Elements
December 21 
What is Green Drinks? Every month, people who work in the environmental field or have in interest in a greener planet meet up for drinks at places all around the world at informal sessions known as Green Drinks. We have a lively mixture of people from NGOs, academia, government and business. Come along and you'll be made welcome. Just say, "are you green?" and we will look after you and introduce you to whoever is there. It's a great way of catching up with people you know and also for making new contacts. Everyone invites someone else along, so there's always a different crowd, making Green Drinks an organic, self-organizing network.

These events are simple and unstructured. Make friends, develop new ideas, do deals and forge a new organic future. It's a force for the good and we'd like to help its spreading to other cities. Green Drinks meets on the last Thursday of the month (except in November).  Put it in your calendar and count on it: Green Drinks is happening every month.
email us at with questions, comments.

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